
Venous Disease Progression

Australian Vein Clinics

Spider veins and reticular veins are often warning signs for venous disease progression.

Stages of Venous Disease Progression:

Stage 0:

Healthy veins, no surface veins showing and no physical symptoms  present. 

Stage 1:

Spider veins and reticular veins develop. Pain common when prolonged standing.

Stage 2:

Varicose veins form. Itching throbbing and heaviness is common, especially standing. 

Stage 3:

Advance varicose veins with edema/swelling of the lower leg. Poor skin health common.

Stage 4:

Varicose eczema and leg ulcers. Skin quality is usually heavily effected.

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legs with no venous disease
Legs with spider and reticular veins
legs with varicose veins and venous nodes
Legs with varicose veins and venous eczema
Legs with varicose veins and venous eczema

Venous disease, also known as chronic venous insufficiency, is when the veins that pump the blood back towards the heart stop functioning properly due to valve damage. This causes multiple symptoms including, varicose veins, venous leg ulcers, spider veins, swelling of the leg and skin damage. Often venous disease progression starts slowly, with early warning signs showing before any permanent damage is made. When it is treated in its early stages, the treatment options are much more straight forward and affordable. 

Stage 0:

legs with no venous disease


Healthy veins, with no damaged valves that efficiently pump blood through the body. There are no signs of spider, reticular or varicose veins and no physical symptoms.

Example Treatment Plan

Compression stockings to assist with blood flow upwards through the legs. Monitor for symptoms and ultrasound when symptoms present. 

Price Guide: $0 – $150

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Risk Factors

Standing still for extended periods of time (occupations such as teaching and hairdressing are often predisposed to venous disease). Other risk factors include family history, pregnancy and weight gain.

Stage 1:

Legs with spider and reticular veins


Usually, the first stage of venous disease progression is the development of spider and reticular veins. These superficial veins often appear green, red, blue or purple on the surface. This can indicate varicose veins beneath the surface.

Example Treatment Plan

Direct vision sclerotherapy to treat surface level veins. Compression stockings. Ultrasound to ensure no development of incompetent varicose veins under the surface. 

Price Guide: $400 – $1200

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Symptoms and Potential Complications

Symptoms of itching and throbbing can present from surface veins. 

Possible complication of further venous disease progressing unknowingly under the surface.

Stage 2:

legs with varicose veins and venous nodes


Varicose veins and venous nodes form, often appearing twisted and worm like. This is due to damaged valves in the veins causing the blood to travel backwards and pool.

Example Treatment Plan

Endovenous laser ablation to tackle larger incompetent veins, followed by 1-2 sessions of ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy or Venaseal vein glue. 

Price Guide: $800 – $3200

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Symptoms and Potential Complications

Symptoms of itching, pain, throbbing and heaviness is common, especially when standing.

Increased likelihood of blood clotting, leg ulcers, swelling and  skin deterioration.

Stage 3:

Legs with varicose veins and venous eczema


Advanced varicose veins, progressively becoming more prominent. Edema of the lower leg. Excessive and prolonged swelling around the ankle causing poor skin health and early onset skin degradation. potential brown staining of the skin.

Example Treatment Plan

1-2 sessions of endovenous laser ablation to tackle larger incompetent veins, followed by 3-4 sessions of ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy or Venaseal vein glue. Topical skin care. Compression Garments.

Price Guide: $1800 – $4200

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Symptoms and Potential Complications

Pain in the area, Heaviness in the legs, hardening of the vein and warmth on touch.

Increased chances of superficial thrombophlebitis and non-healing ulcers. 

Stage 4:

Legs with varicose veins and venous eczema


Further advanced varicose veins causing increased dilation of the veins due to blood stagnation. Continued skin degradation causing ulceration and open wounds.  Extensive swelling of the lower limbs. Brown discoloration of the ankles aka Hemosiderin occurs.  

Example Treatment Plan

Multiple sessions of Endovenous Laser ablation, followed up multiple ultrasound guided Sclerotherapy and Microsclerotherapy. Wound treatment assistance.

Price Guide: $2500 – $6000

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Symptoms and Potential Complications

Pain in the area, Heaviness in the legs, hardening of the vein and warmth on touch. Increased chances of superficial thrombophlebitis and non-healing ulcers.

High chance of Semi permanent-permanent brown staining of the skin around the ankles

View some before & after shots from our clients at Australian Vein Clinics

leg with bulging varicose vein before sclerotherapy treatments
leg after ultrasound guided sclerotherapy treatment
legs with advanced varicose veins before treatment
legs after severe varicose veins are treated
legs with large varicose vein
after sclerotherapy treatment for spider veins
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