What are Varicose Veins and how are they treated?

Australian Vein Clinics

Legs treated for vein issues

What are Varicose Veins?

We all know varicose veins by their unsightly worm like appearance on the legs, but what’s going on underneath? When the valves within the veins become damaged, it can cause pools of blood to form which results in veins becoming enlarged. These veins often appear twisted and bulging at the skin’s surface but are also sometimes hidden within the fat. These veins usually carry less than 5% of the body’s blood flow and are usually causing much more harm than good.

Some common questions we get asked are:

What happens if my Varicose Veins are left untreated?

Unfortunately, if left untreated, varicose veins can cause further problems throughout the body. As more blood circulates and pools within the vein it can leak outside the vein and ‘poison’ the surrounding area. In some cases, as time goes on, these superficial veins can also cause damage to the deep veins (the efficient route of blood transportation).

Why do I have Varicose Veins?

There are many reasons as to why varicose veins form, the main ones being hereditary, age, pregnancy and jobs that require prolonged standing (e.g. teachers, hair dressers, and retail staff).

So now you know all about your varicose veins, the biggest question is, how do we get rid of them for good?!

Varicose Vein Treatment in Melbourne

Dependent on the Ultrasound of the area, there are a few different treatments that your Vein Specialist may recommend for the removal of Varicose Veins.

Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy treats these through a process of injecting a sclerosing agent into the targeted vein, under the guidance of an ultrasound that causes the vein walls to collapse. The vein will then naturally disappear over time.

Endovenous Laser Ablation utilises laser light energy to effectively remove larger varicose veins.

Varicose vein treatment infographic showing sclerotherapy


What is Varicose Vein Surgery?

Varicose vein stripping is a surgical procedure that is performed under anaesthetic in a hospital. The surgery takes roughly half a day and is followed by 2-4 weeks recovery time. During the procedure, several incisions are made at both the top and bottom of the vein that is damaged. A thin, flexible, plastic wire will be threaded through the vein and then pulled out through a separate incision.


Why is Endovenous Laser Ablation and Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy better than Vein Surgery?

Unlike surgery, using the combination of EVLA and UGS vein treatment, does not require hospitalisation or anaesthetic. For these reasons, the cost of treating unwanted veins by EVLA and UGS can be considerably reduced. There is also minimal downtime, you will be able to walk and work the same day without any major discomfort.

The introduction of these Non-Surgical options has made vein stripping surgery obsolete in most cases. Your vein specialist will be able to advise you in your initial consultation which treatment they recommend for your veins. Their recommendation will be based on the ultrasound that is performed in house, on the spot.


So how can I get started?

Wanting to start your vein journey? Call Australian Vein Clinics on 9824 1166 and one of the friendly reception staff can help you out with any questions or get you booked in for an initial consultation.

Important Info

The recent legislative changes now restrict language used around aesthetic treatment information. We’re in the process of updating all of our website content to reflect these changes. If you’d like personalised information about treatment options, please book a consult or get in touch.